wardrobe expert

Introducing: damn good shorts

It's Summer and we know that once that H E A T hits all we want is the ease of staying cool whilst looking fabulous of course :) You all know that Mama likes to keep it simple so I've gathered a few of my favorite styles to help you stay breezy this summer. 

When it comes to our bodies we all have some sort of negative self-talk that wants to chime in and make us feel that we don't deserve to wear certain things. For me, I went through a phase in my early tweens where I didn’t wear shorts. Growing up in Jamaica I went everywhere with the boys I hung out with. Climbed, slid under, jumped off shit. You know, play. So I have plenty of scars to prove it. I got over that phase because it was hotter than a mofo and I realized that I had to love on me more than anyone else.  We take on that negative story and hold it as TRUTH. The real truth is that when you learn what looks great on you all of that bullshit talk will start unravel. At your own pace, step by step, slowly removing the blinders of the "bad" that you see and revealing the PLENTY of good that exists.

I'm loving on these 3 styles:  These Zara high waisted pink ones are perfect for dressing up or down. They are not too fitted and offer a good drape especially if you have lovely curves. Oh and the price!! STEAL!  Denim shorts tend to all look the same ( insert yawn ;) so it's fun to mix it up a bit and that's exactly what these Madewell styles bring to your style game. They're high-waisted, not too short and comes in a great wash. These lovelies from Vince are a splurge but so worth it. I ordered for a client and she's worn them everywhere!  There are great options out there and you don't have to settle. Let me know if you snag any of these styles and happy Summer!!

Blazer: Rag and Bone   Shorts: Zara    ALL PHOTOS: Fiona Montagne Photography 

Wear what you love

Photography: Harley Goul

Wearing what you love is a blissful combination of self- expression embodied with whatever kind of sass you want to deliver. It can be a full scream, a whisper or anything inbetween. What matters is that the choice is done on terms that empower you to be your best self. I've fallen prey to wearing styles that I love that didn't look so hot on me. I look back at these photos and all that jumps out is "what the hell was I thinking?" I've learned to merge the knowledge of what works on my body with styles that I love. Finding those parts of your body that you want to celebrate will reward you with a sense of freedom to choose how you show up. You feeling and being comfortable in your skin is your journey. The goal isn’t to be a replica of what you see. It’s acknowledging that today and tomorrow you will choose YOU and that’s a beautiful thing.

Jacket: Nanuska   denim skirt: Grlfnd ( Fancy Pants)    sweater: H&M  Boots: Rag and Bone

It's 2018. Know your worth

Photography: Fiona Montagne 

We are sometimes made to to feel that if we wait long enough somewhere along this journey we’ll find someone or something to make us feel worthy. That the creation of our worth is outside of OUR control. I will say that nothing has taught me more about defining my own sense of value and worth than realizing that it is enough to show up just as I am. We short change ourselves by believing that when we "fill in the blank", then we'll deserve that love, admiration, respect. That only then, we will be worthy. I see worthiness as a declaration of self ownership. It's the vital space you give yourself to believe that even in the most trying moments, you matter.  I'm sharing below what has helped me to write my own narrative of self worth. It's a process that unfolds each day, it's a practice. 


We've all done it. Whether it's alone in our bedroom, to a friend, a stranger or a passing thought as you glance in a mirror. The use of dismantling words that we say to ourselves or those that we've absorbed from others is destructive. So I want you to stop it!!! (Said in my sass filled Mama tone). You are in the process of creating your best self and that major dinosaur size step starts with the language you use towards yourself. Be kind, respectful and allow yourself the room to love yourself no matter what. 


It's simple. The company you keep should reinforce your worth ( You're amazing!); Motivate you to grow and be challenged ( Get it and you got this!!); Call you out on your bullshit ( Get it together); know when to drop it low and have fun ( Insert dance groove here). Ok the last one isn't necessary but it's certainly recommended ;) Every person that comes into your life adds an element to who you are or what you're becoming. I remember making exhausting efforts to alter what I thought others wanted me to be. It happens. I learned. Now the influence and its effect occurs on my own terms. 


A kind word or action can have this transformative experience. No matter the size, it can impact how someone is feeling that day, that moment. I don't take for granted what others might be going through. This is what makes our co existing together so powerful. It grants us the permission to affect each other in the most positive way. 

So I'm saying to you that you are wonderful, necessary and full of worth. Go share this with someone else. 

coat: Theory  turtleneck: JCrew  Shoes: Gucci

Conversation: Be Yourself

“The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the moment you tap into your power to change ANYTHING in your life” Hal Elrod

I don't really know when it happens. That moment you get in good with who you are and stop the hater talk. For me it's a gradual process that unfolds when you start DOING stuff aka living your life. This means showing up for all the parts of life that comes your way, especially the really hard and challenging shit. I've learned the most about myself by diving into things that really scared me. It reveals these characteristics about who you are and piece by piece, through your experiences, you build a foundation that's all YOU. It's a on going, fo' life journey. Which I might add is pretty cool. You will always have the opportunity to learn something new about who you are and what you choose to become.

It's easy to get sucked into what you think everyone wants you to be. Your gesture of figuring out YOU can be a loud statement or a small whisper. Either way, do it on your own terms.  Stop trying to figure out who you are by standing still. Start walking, listening, trying and filtering shit that doesn’t fill whatever goodness you’re trying to create. Being yourself is showing up without the need to edit parts of who you are. You are creating this WHOLE you and that means leaning in to the ebbs and flows of this big beautiful, chaotic, purpose driven thing called life. It wants all of you. I want ALL of you. 

Photography:  Ellen B Hansen

Kind Girls At The Table

When I think of the moments I regret it usually involves 2 types of situation: not standing up for myself and not standing up for others. Those moments where I stood in silence held weight on my conscience. This weight was something I carried without even knowing it until I became older, made friends, lost friends and uncovered bits of myself along the way. I realized the immense power that came with choosing. The act of kindness is a choice. Kindness isn't a unicorn and it's certainly not naivety. We don't get to sit by and just be. Even the act of not choosing is a decision. Kindness can be uncovered the same way we fuel love. With doses of intention, understanding, compassion and being a genuine soundboard of honesty. I've witnessed how this real gesture of caring/ kindness can transform all parties involved in this exchange.  It's not all rainbows and sunshine but that effort and you are worthy.

I at times struggle to understand why we feel the need to break each other down. For me it comes down to making a choice to listen, digest and then speak because my words and actions matter. We can choose to not be apart of the rhetoric of hate. It stifles hope, perspective and just the basic human understanding of listening to our different stories. The mean girl stance lingers because there's a desperate need to belong. I'm apart of this and it makes me feel special so YOU CAN'T SIT HERE attitude. Exclusion creates this centrifuge of minds where all of a sudden we look around at our table and everyone's the same. I've learned the most from those that differ from me. I can see the comfort of having people in our world that think and act as we do but I can also see the silence that comes with it.

Top: Farrow     Jeans: H&M      Shoes: Joie

What has allowed me to register some of these feelings is knowing what exclusion feels like. We've all been there and *know* this feeling. Snotty, catty, rude, mean and dismissive. All words I want my stepdaughter Maddie to know and actively make a choice to step up to the plate and be otherwise. The "real talk" of empowering women doesn't have to be a loud speaker statement in every situation. It can look like a real smile and it can sound like "Hi, I'm Laura. What's your name?" 

All photos by the talented Tia Runia

My Style Game For Making Winter My BFF

Winter bliss with Karen from Karen E Photos

There's nothing cute about being cold. Shivering as you power walk your way to your destination...f-bombing along the way as the chill factor expresses itself all over your body. Brrrrrr!!!! Winter is here babes  and he's going to try and have his way with you by willing you to flannel and smartwool everything. So let's try to keep it together and not let old man winter steal our style thunder.  So I've implemented a few key staples that allows me to navigate these frigid temperatures, snow, ice, sleet...whatever winter wants to throw my way. Are you ready to get cozy and maintain your cuteness? Snag these. 

Real winter means a real coat. Yes, it can look great and keep you warm because we no longer want to experience the f-bomb walk to our destination anymore right....can I get an amen?! Wool is my friend or a friendly puffer. The one I'm rocking is an oldie but goodie from JCrew. There's a few yummy styles that are a must like this and this and you can't beat the price. Oh hey warm and stylish friend. 

Cover those digits! Gloves are making their chic debut and keeping their purpose intact. That's right, your hands won't freeze. I found these beauts at Banana Republic and they have that cool smartphone sensitive fabric that allows me to tap, swipe and dial away. No frozen digits here.

Layer like a MOFO. If this sounds familiar it's because it's part of my style sermon ( preaching here). Layering is your friend. Today I've donned a fitted turtleneck under this adorable reindeer wool v-neck sweater. It does two things: it gives me the option of removing a layer if needed and I really can't handle wool (well some wool) directly on my skin so this way I can stay warm and not feel like my skin is about to burst into flames. 

These boots are made for snow. Yes I will slip on my full of flavor ankle boots and trot along my merry way until I hit an ice patch that teaches me a lesson. Ouch!! Those lessons I don't want to repeat. Of course we can rock our booties, boots and other goodness in winter but when there's 4 inches of snow on the ground...let's keep it real here folks. We're friends. How cute are these Sperry Topsiders tho?!! Cozy, practical, stylish and I can skip in the snow if I wanted to. Seriously watch me skip.

Are we warm and cozy? I hope so. Thank you so much for all your love and support, it fuels me! As we head into 2017 I'll make certain to bring more of the goodness for you filled with love, purpose and a whopping dose of style. Happy New Year my peeps!! 

When I Said Yes To Love

There was this time when I thought I knew exactly the type of man I was going to marry.  We all have "the list"...you know.... tall, handsome, funny, kind, gentleman, giver, handy, well-dressed, superman, passionate....I could go on and on and on. Then I met James and the list got a bit fuzzy ;)  Add on stubborn, loner, doesn't care about stuff/ things ( seriously if it was up to him he would have 5 shirts and 5 pants). He was this long haired, hippie guy who was a bit odd,  interesting, ruggedly handsome and he really wanted to know me. Not in the "hey girl, can I get your digits" kind of way ( yah, we've met that guy....eewww). We just talked and talked about everything and anything. He was refreshing and I wanted to know everything about him. It also made me uncomfortable because I've never met anyone who was so comfortable in his own skin. Beating to his own drum or kicking his own hacky sack :) We are opposites attracting in the most exquisitely extreme sense. This flannel that he wore...I was not familiar. The direct way he asked me out....say what?! Yet all along, I was already at YES.

YES to moving across the country to be with you. YES, I will spend the rest of my life with you. YES to letting go and braving the unknown because that is the sweetness of love. The relentless want and need to be with another human. The complex way we at times can't control how it chooses to pan out...it dares to choose for us. The will we must have to keep our sanity in this union, together yet still our own person. 11 years together, 9 years of marriage and a life built together that reminds me that growth is what happens when you allow others to enrich you. I became stronger more certain of who I am and saw that the journey is the bliss. The memories we've created, the moments triggered by the little things and best of all, Maddie. A little girl in my world since she was a month old, who's given me pure meaningful, fulfilling love.  

He's still my mountain man and remains the same version of who I met 11 years ago but with more clarity. More certain of who he is and allowing me to see all of him. I see him. He sees me. I try not to edit who he is...socks with sandals, yah, I'll pick my battles. He sees me. Yes I'm wearing a blush pink tulle skirt with a denim shirt and heading to the grocery store. I'm allowing things to come to light that helps me figure out each day how to be a better person, stepmom, wife, friend, me. 

This day was so special not just because we got to celebrate our love but we were surrounded by those that gave love through their passions.  The photography magic of Ben and Joella made all of our visions come to life. The botanical bliss created by Flowers at Will made the beauty around us even more spectacular. The delightful creations that made our taste palate happy by Boise's Bakery. The incredible table scape and attention to the tiniest details by Pottery Barn Boise made our day beam with life. The flawless dress that draped my body made possible by LaNeige Bridal. The perfect makeup by the fabulous Blush by Jamie Rose made me feel like my most beautiful self. Our resourceful and awesome Sprout design_ Idaho who helped to coordinate this vision that was once in my head. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have the opportunity to style one of the best days of our lives, surrounded by some talented magic makers. Thank you for coming along this journey with me. 

My Journey Through the Land of "Be Yourself"

"the less you try to fit in, the better you fit with yourself" lt 

This day of giving thanks marks the 1 year anniversary since the launch of my blog and personal styling company, Laura Tully, LLC. It has been an incredible year filled with fantastic, challenging, self-checking, heart filled, blissful and teachable moments. I wanted to send each and every one of you a dinosaur size THANK YOU from the bottom of my ankle boots to the tippy top of my curly poof. The journey of figuring out what purpose I can serve is never-ending but became more clear once I stopped allowing my fears to get in the way.  It was realizing that I could show up, just as I am, right now and begin. This momentum became fueled by an incredible group of women, friends and my hubby who supported, listened and allowed me to let go and dive in. We are given many gifts in this world and I've witnessed the magic that unfolds when we empower each other.  

This blog has become an instrument not just to celebrate the goodness of rocking a fabulous outfit but also to package that with becoming our best selves. It's a journey we are all taking. Along the way, the lessons that brought value are those that I share with you. Being yourself becomes more than just celebrating all that you are, flaws and all. It also creates tentacles to see others as they are. As I began meeting more and more amazing women, my mission, purpose and drive became more clear. I wanted each and every woman that I meet and style to know that she is capable, deliberately strong and can OWN what she brings and puts out into this world. The outfit becomes this tiny catalyst that engages all that she can create and with that confidence, she can take flight. 

Your responses, comments and yummy hugs, makes my freaking day! Thank you for showing up and giving me LOVE! I will keep the goodness coming because mama will always show up for you. Enjoy the quality time with your peeps and save room for desert. If your rocking some high waisted denim like I am, everything will be cool my friends ;)

Shirt: Elizabeth and James  Denim: JCrew high waisted    sneaks: vans 

To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly.
— Brené Brown

da shot! All photos by the uber talented Denise of Studio Boise

Comfort Wear With Style

Comfort wear can sometimes feel like dirty words in the style arena. Our hands are clasped praying that our casual everyday, throw on and go wear can live up to that sweet spot combination of  comfort and stylish. Well my awesome peeps get ready to rejoice because I have some easy style tips that will help you navigate this arena. Get ready to revel in comfort and still show up with style. 

Jacket: Nike   Tee + Denim: JCrew 

Say hello to my little friend denim

I know, why cant I put on some leggings. You can but a pair of great fitting denim instantly makes the outfit more pulled together. I'm rocking these straight leg front button denim from JCrew. They're a looser fit and pure comfort! I paired it with a simple white tee and my favorite go to in the shoe arsenal, ankle boots. 

Layer, layer

A denim jacket, a cozy sweater, a structured cardigan, all provide a great anchor to a casual look. Your comfy casual wear is suppose to get you through your day feeling good and crossing off your "to do" list. So having the right layering piece allows you to remove a style if needed and keep it moving. I'm wearing this chic bomber from Nike.

The little details matter

Casual wear should be fuss free, so for me that means choosing my accessories carefully. My fun detail here is my gold bucket bag. So playful right!! It adds a little glam to a casual look and makes the outfit pop. So add a great scarf, earrings that add a little glam and get your day going comfortably in style :)

All Photos by the talented Denise of Studio Boise

Favorites: sweet finds under $50

I'm always on the hunt for a sweet find. You know that style that makes you want to twirl because it's full of sugar and spice and everything oh so wonderful about being a girl!! I'm a fan of all things that celebrate the joys of being a woman and clothing is one of my very fun avenues of expressing my lady like attributes. Well enough about my mantra let's get to the yummy center of this grill cheese sandwich shall we. Now I want a grill cheese ;) 

This crinkled chiffon blouse is from H+M and it was a screaming deal. Click here to add this little one to your cart. The mint green and tiny floral pattern gave my look a dose of freshness. To give it a modern edge I paired it with my favorite destroyed denim shorts. In the Fall, it will be great with a leather jacket and your most loved skinny jeans. 

If you want some more floral loves, I'm also eyeing this one from Asos. I tend to find the print that I love and then look at the price so it's a win win when I can find one at such a great price point. They're out there! My tip is to keep the style simple. You guys know me and my sermon of simple chic. It allows your less expensive buys to stand the test of style and time (well, at least until a dozen or so washes ( fingers crossed ;) 

Here's a few of my other sweet finds and all under $50...high five or chest bump here! I love this textured dot top from JCrew in Navy...this is a wear now and later ladies and it's an additional 40% off. WOO!! Check out this fun boho vibe one from  Urban Outfitters. It can be styled for work or play. 

If any of these great buys end up in your closet I would love to see how you style them.  Direct message me on Instagram @seelaurastyle or @lauratully.co. Cannot wait!! I've inserted one of my favorite quotes for the week below. Use whenever needed and I'll see you next week!! Insert a really BIG HUG here ;)

“You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” ~ Melissa Etheridge

Wardrobe 101: back to basics

Can I get an amen for good old basics like t-shirt and shorts?! ( hands in the air). I am certainly getting to a point where I want to simplify my wardrobe and have great styles that I can throw on, go ( the hubby would appreciate that ;)  and look fabulous, of course. This is something I tackle for my clients who are busy bees and don't have time to spare when it comes to looking pulled together effortlessly. So the key is....stick to awesome basics with a few wow pieces to make sure the style factor is happening :)  So how do we make that happen?? With my casual wear, I start with what feels comfy and can be worn a few different ways. In my book, that's t-shirt styles and denim. 

I'm wearing the powder puff eco- jersey T-shirt from Alternative Apparel. The styles from Alternative Apparel are not only fantastic, they also have an amazing platform that provides eco friendly wear that's sustainable and through fair labor in accordance to the FLA and WARP.  Back to basics can include a bigger initiative than just less clothes, it can be even more impactful by the clothing you choose. Loving on that! 

I finished the look with these comfy denim shorts from Current Elliot and fringe slides from Madewell. These shoes  takes this outfit up another level. I seriously do the "happy dance" when I wear these. I'll teach you guys my happy dance one of these days...it does require dropping it low, just a wee bit ;) This is what I meant about  adding those little wow pieces to your great basics, which will make those beauties shine! 

Basics is so far from boring. It can allow your closet to have a great anchor so that you can add in those fun trends or cool one of kind piece if you fancy, which makes your look, all the more special.

                        >>>>>>>>>> G R O U P  H U G <<<<<<<<<<<

Have I mentioned how much I love gabbing it up with you all. The love that you've shown me makes me feel like warm butter on artisan toast ( that's some tasty stuff). Have style questions or want to share a great find, direct message me on IG @seelaurastyle or @lauratully.co. You can also send me a message at fashion@lauratully.co. See you next week peeps and make sure you check out my adventure THIS week!! I'm taking you with me!! MUAH :)

How to wear all denim with ease

Denim on denim is one of my favorite "go to" looks in my outfit arsenal. For some, it can be a struggle to grapple this look. You're either on-board or saying "hell no". Well my peeps,  if you feel as if you're teetering, here's some of my tips to help you take the dive and it's painless. It's actually quite G-rated and packs a whole dose of style easily. 

Wearing all denim really boils down to 2 things for me: denim wash and texture. Let's explore the denim wash situation. I like to pair denims that differ in wash. In the outfit I'm wearing, the top is a lighter wash than the shorts and it makes the look more intentional. In others words, it doesn't look like I'm trying to match my denim. You know how I feel about things being too matchy matchy ;)  So wear your distressed light wash denim jeans, shorts or skirt with a dark denim shirt or lightweight chambray shirt with dark wash denim bottoms. 

Top: Francesca's  denim shorts: JCrew

To make wearing this look easy, I stick to styles that are simple. Each piece has very little detail or embellishment which allows for a very chic look. This darling off the shoulder top was a great find and buy at Francesca's at The Village at Meridian. So go snag one now if you love!! I can dress it up or down and it's a simple style which means, I'll love it next year. The light fabric brings me to my other tip. Vary the texture. It provides more interest and gives your look some dimension. If I'm wearing a denim that has some weight to it, I'll pair it with a light fabric chambray top to balance the look. 

I know guys, it's way easier than you think. The Canadian tuxedo has been reclaimed and it's better than ever!! Here's a few images that feature some of my favorite denim on denim looks that you can use or create your own. Let me know how you rock your all denim wear and show me!!! Use the hashtag #alldenimbabe... I cannot wait! 

Photo credit: Karen E Photo ; Pinterest

The truth about leggings

Exploring Portland's Japanese Garden :)

When I see styles I love, I react in a few ways. Screams of joy, a happy dance and the outfits, oh the outfits y'all. Mama see's all the many ways one can wear this peice and how I can bring a fresh take on rocking it. Leggings, I will admit, I wasn't a huge fan. However, never say never ;) Leggings can go bad real fast worn the wrong way. I won't harp on the unsavory details of what not to do whilst wearing leggings but Mama will certainly give you my tips to rocking them in oh so cute ways.  

When I wear leggings it's all about finding that balance between comfort and looking pulled together. With that said, my first go to tip is to elevate your look by wearing something a little dressier with your leggings. In this case I'm rocking my gold oxfords. I know I'll be buried in something gold, I just LOVEEE!! I mean, rocking it certainly ups my swagger ( which we all need, right :) Ok, I digressed from the legging situation. 

Proportion matters. Leggings for me is that style where the butt check happens on a regular when being worn. As in, can you see my butt? Is my shirt long enough to cover said butt :) The shirt should be long enough to cover your derriere but not so long that if you raised your hands in a "raise the roof" manner and we still don't see your booty, that means the top is too long. The top should cover the front assets completely. So if you want to wear a crop top layer it with a longer shirt, left open in a jacket like style. I mean this one ;)

If it's too thin, feed it! Your leggings that is. Fabrics that have a bit more substance make your leggings fit better ( no bagging out) and holds all the goodness in ( looks fabulous). We like that! This particular one is a moto style and has a great mix of mostly Rayon, some Nylon and a bit of Lycra. It's a few years old and still works great. I couldn't find this brand to feature but I've provided my other loves. I'm a fan of this one and these.  The price is great and you can wear the JCrew ones with boots come winter.  Yes please :)

I believe in a lot of things, a little magic never hurts" Maddie, 10 years old

I have a bonus post coming your way tomorrow. It's all about my Portland work and play adventure with my girl Karen of Karen E Photography. If you want to learn how to hug in Portland I suggest you visit me tomorrow :) Cool as hell places to stay, pretty pretty photos and oh yeah, the food!! Need I say more. The love is real!! MUAH!


Wear What You Love

I'm wearing a vintage high waisted gold pencil skirt with gold oxfords and it makes me happy.  It makes me want to drop it like it's hot ( aka dance) and walk with an extra skip in my step. Seriously, putting on this outfit sets my day. It says "girrrlll, it's gonna be a good one."  Wearing what you love is a blissful combination of self- expression embodied with whatever kind of sass you want to deliver. I can sense when my clients are not comfortable in an outfit, even when their words say otherwise. The body is incredibly expressive.  I pay very close attention to those movements that tells me we're out of the "comfort zone" or the uncertainty that comes with newness... "can I really wear this."  One of my goals as a personal stylist is to navigate style in a way that highlights the best path for my client in the simplest way. 

Style is ubiquitous, which fuels and inspire self-expression in so many ways.

So what does it take to wear what you love? I have to admit, when it comes to style I have a very strange six sense. My clients call me the "outfit whisperer"  :) because I  see the outfits I want on them. For myself, I learned all about what looks work on me and it doesn't hurt that I'm obsessed with fashion and style. So, this allowed me to discard any other stuff that comes along my way that I know won't work and spend that time on better things. I also listen to myself ( you know that gut feeling that says, take that BLANK off, it is not the one). I'm also blessed with  fantastic peeps who deliver honest critique with a hug :)  

Wearing what you love, with the emphasis on YOU. I had the privilege to style this fantastic Mom of 5, yes 5 kiddos :) She has amazing curves and struggled to embrace said curves and find styles that worked for her. We all have our own body struggles. What I saw when we met was her amazing waist, great legs and wonderful shoulders. My mission- liberate all that goodness so that she too can begin to appreciate them in styles that compliment all those great assets. In turn, feeling great in what she wears.

Wearing what you love is REALLY loving you in what you wear. What's not to love about that :)


Easy ways to rock neutrals

Wearing neutrals just makes me swoon about summer. It's light, fresh and modern. Summer will be here in about 6 weeks peeps and I'm counting :)  Wearing all neutrals is about texture and picking the right shade. I'm a fan of whites, ivory and grays. Since the weather will be slipping on its fancy 70 degrees and up temperature our way,  here are a few of my "how to" tips to rocking all neutrals and keeping your cool. 

Texture is your friend. I'm wearing these  ivory denim shorts from JCrew and paired it with this darling eyelet  top from Banana Republic. The eyelet gives this color palette some texture and makes the outfit more playful. By the way guys, this top was on super sale in the store so go snag yourself one now :) The ivory top was a bit darker than the shorts but this is why having texture is so great. The shades do not have to be an exact match, which makes pairing easy. Mama likes that!

the sun shining through :)

the sun shining through :)

Accessorize to add a little something something ;) I paired this grey bag from JCrew ( so cute right) and my little coral puffball name Javi  ;)  to give the all ivory look some anchor. When it comes to styling myself and my clients, looking great should be a simple and easy process. Neutrals allows this ease because you don't have to worry about matching or coordinating since you're using the same color palette. They all play nicely with each other. 

If you want to wear all white, choose white denim and a silk-like top or knitted top with a smooth cotton bottoms. If you want an all grey look, wear light grey on top, dark on the bottom with a fun printed bag. Are you guys picking up what I'm throwing down?! Wonderful!! Now go and get your style on. MUAH!! :)


Lessons learned from Mama #MamaKnowsBest

So let me explain my Mom to you just a bit. She is 5’4” maybe, on a good day, full of energy and doesn’t mind telling me what she thinks (with or without request). She’s my favorite person and she drives me crazy. It’s the most wonderful and maddening love ever :)

Growing up, my Mom was a bit of a hard ass ( yah I said it, sorry Mom but you were). Ugh, those days where I just wanted to scream at you and slam the door because I thought you were trying to make my life a living hell. I realized, eventually, how thankful I was for those moments. I’m so happy that you demanded more from me than I did myself. 

Mama lesson learned: TRY HARDER

When I did poorly on something my Mom would ask me in her very thick Jamaican accent “How hard did you try? Did you prepare yourself so that you could produce the best result? If you tell me yes, then I know you tried.”
Yep…I just wanted to yell at her because she was right (grrr)  and my poor performance was usually the result of being ill-prepared or really not being interested whatsoever. 
So now,  I work towards trying to be better on whatever job I take on. I learn something new after every project and I ask myself, what can I do better for my clients. I’ve noticed that there is always something to improve upon. Better isn’t about perfection, to me it's about allowing meaningful progress. Experience is a good teacher. 

Mama lesson learned: BE YOUR OWN CHEERLEADER

I actually learned this from a few of my "Mamas" - amazing women whom I love and admire a great deal. I'm grateful to have each of them in my world. They've provided amazing support,  love and pushed me to see my value in so many ways. 

You know that little voice that creeps up inside your head that says "babe, you've got this" or that moment ( visualize hands on your hips, legs apart, superwoman stance, cape blowing in the wind) YES THAT! Mama wants you to  hold on to that with all your might and believe in yourself like the champion you are. Yes, I have my moments when I'm dropping f-bombs (privately) because something is not vibing the way it should ( it's life). I take a breather and then work to see how I can kick the problems booty. Having my own back, keeps me accountable for my actions and inactions. It also let's me acknowledge that things will be okay because I've got my back.

Mama lesson learned: LOVE BIG OR GO HOME

When I visit my Mom, she has a menu laid out of all my favorite meals because as she puts it "baby, they don't feed you enough food in Idaho"...such a  Mom thing right!!! That's the best kind of loving, Mom's home cooking ( insert happy dance here and here). 

What does all this home cooking chatter mean?? If you're going to love, love fully. My Mom shows me her love in the biggest and best way she knows how by taking care of what fills me body and soul. I had to learn this love big thang the hard way a few times because loves great but sometimes it hurts bad, real bad.  So why love big Laura?? Well my awesome peeps, it made me appreciate how awesome it feels when this full love came my way. Not just from my hubby but from the people who care about me in the deepest way. It filters all the other mess out. It's amazing. Having that in my world allowed me to be grateful and appreciate what love means in the realest way. Loving big for me is a all-in commitment not naivety, understanding and being your loves sound board. It's hard, easy and everything in between but so worth it. 

I always thought I would get to this point where I would have this "stuff" figured out or least most of it. Nope, not the case for me. I'm learning all along the way with more clarity as I go. Mama does know best and she's trying to share it in her own way. Some of those lessons go over a bit smoother than others, some I learned in my own way. 

To quote my wonderful stepdaughter Maddie..."Moms are pretty awesome." I couldn't agree more :)

This girl + stripes

happy as a clam with J.Lee Photos in Vegas

happy as a clam with J.Lee Photos in Vegas

What is it about stripes that makes us covet it so much?! My friends and I see it, immediately want it, must have....ahhh NEED IT!! I love that it embodies both a classic and modern look. I can wear a stripe tee with skinny jeans and ta da...cute outfit!! It doesn't get any easier than that. 

I'm a fan of the JCrew perfect tee styles. I paired it with this overall denim skirt from Madewell which gave this classic tee some edge. I find a small or medium stripe style is best especially in the tee style. If you spot a stripe dress that is loved,  I would go for a medium stripe, like this style because it creates a more flattering visual. Everyone can wear stripes,  it's really about paying attention to the size of the stripes. 

Top: JCrew perfect tee

Top: JCrew perfect tee

Its been a busy few weeks and I have some amazing collaborations that I'll be sharing with you all!!! I'm so thrilled to have you on this journey with me. Thank you for having my back and showing this poofy hair girl a whole lot of LOVE!!!

Summer staple: denim shorts

happy place

Warm weather does something amazing to my soul!! It's the Jamaican in me. The sun on my skin and the sight of everything illuminated makes me feel charged! My trip to LA was immersed with so many great experiences, a big one was the fantastic sunshine.

 My friend Jessica of J.Lee Photos took some beautiful photos and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to places to dine and immerse in laidback LA life. This darling spot is called The Alcove and as a foodie, I was giddy with joy. 

This place was surrounded by flowers and rich green succulents. The simple homey vibe makes you want to hang out  for most of your morning. 

Shorts: Current Elliot      T-shirt: JCrew       Shoes: Madewell

Most of you know that I'm a strong advocate for comfort and style. These Current Elliott denim shorts are a soft denim and I got them a few years back at Fancy Pants in downtown Boise. They have some great new styles that are loved. The fit and length doesn't leave me feeling as if I need to yank them down every 5 minutes ( you know what I mean!!).  My guide to denim shorts is to choose one  with a softer denim, sits on your hip and is slightly loose, like these.  It allows for a shorter length without feeling like you have booty shorts on ;) If you want a bit longer length,  I love these.  They can be rolled up or down to your liking. You can find find similar styles at Piece Unique in downtown Boise.

This grapefruit was picked from Jessica's front yard....LOVE!!!

My Summer wear is light, simple and all about keeping my cool. What are your must have Summer staples??  It's going to be a good one!! :)

Journey to wow, a style story

I'm a hunter! I'm always on the search for those special and cool  styles that will upgrade an outfit. You notice it the moment you see it. When it happens for me, there's usually a squeal and a mini dance party ( ask my hubby and my girlfriends ;)  This special find makes a simple outfit sparkle 💫.  

These gold oxfords were a sweet find and I knew we were going to be friends the moment I saw them. Why they work. Well they're gold, I mean...LOVVVVVEEEEEE and they add a bit of the unexpected to an outfit. Whether you're wearing skinny jeans, pencil skirt or some sleek dress pants they're going to make you feel amazing and ready to take on the world. These are a few years old by Sam Edelman but you can snag similar styles here. I'm a believer that what you wear can transform how you feel. This is why I love my job as a personal stylist. I get to experience this wonderful magic where my clients completely shine when they have on an outfit that looks great on them. It empowers them to be their most amazing self and isn't that we are all trying to do. It's pretty cool. 

This JCrew brushed wool scarf is a style that they've repeated in the last few years. I have a few of these because the colors are beautiful and adds this richness to any outfit. The chevron belt is pure cuteness! The texture and print offers a cool pop and is a little different amongst the spectrum of belts. It's those little details that keep your outfit from looking wamp wamp wamp.  So search for those styles that will add a bit of wow to your look. Yes, you might not want to wear an entire gold outfit ( I mean, I would but that's me) but you can rock some gold loafers. A complete ombre look head to toe might not be what we want but a scarf that drips some beautiful hues against your skin, YES!! 

I met this amazing woman the other day and I was told that I'm officially adopted ;) She has this vibrancy and style that's contagious and uniquely her.  Style is another fun way to express your uniqueness and as my new friend said "everyday is an opportunity to get dressed." AGREED! I'm keeping this one. 



What to wear in the Mojave Desert....

Free as a bird 

Along this journey call life....I've learned to embrace all the moments I'm given and always say YES when planning anything with Jessica Rieke ;)  I had the amazing opportunity to work with my wonderful friend Jessica of J.Lee Photos. Our trip led us to Vegas where I got to experience the wonderful mania of being a photographer. We were joined by Alicia from Mink Photography, who is by far one of the coolest peeps I've had the pleasure of meeting. She captured some amazing behind the scenes images from a few of the photoshoots and I'm so excited  to share this with you. Our trip ended in LA, where I was inspired, connected and got to revel in all things fashion, whilst Jessica worked her camera magic. Our goal was to get 3 to 4 amazing photoshoots and we out did ourselves with 10!! WHAT?!! I know...I'll be sharing this fantastic journey with you all in the coming weeks. 

As I navigate this life, I appreciate more and more the importance of building a strong foundation of friends. Every person that comes into my world brings something of value and helps to build the person I am. My friends push me to try harder, demand that I grow and love me flaws and all. It makes the hard times, manageable and the good times, sweeter. Jessica introduced me to her creative community that fuels each other by supporting and building a network. It was motivating to see "community over competition" in action. 

free as a bird.....captured by Mink Photography&nbsp;

free as a bird.....captured by Mink Photography 

The Mojave dessert and the Joshua trees does something to my soul. It envelopes a sense of calm and freedom for me. One of the best parts of working with Jessica was the manner in which she allowed the elements of our surrounding to just be. She captured moments that were organic and beautiful. 

 I wanted to wear an outfit that softly complimented this raw environment. It felt light, easy and flowed. This beautiful top was given to me by stepdaughters mom, Britney. We have a great relationship, built by effort, trust and the big picture of love and family. She found a box of styles by designer Valerie Porr while cleaning out her Grandmas garage. The designer made beautiful creations and helped to pave the groundwork for the Soho fashion scene. She created custom styles for celebrities including Jimi Hendrix. Pretty COOL!  She's since left the fashion world and has made some amazing strides in the treatment and research of BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder. In 1994, she founded TARA APD a Treatment and Research Advancements National Association for Personality Disorder. I found her story to be fascinating and moving. You can read more here. The pieces are beautiful, airy and has a whimsical quality to them. To tame that sweetness I paired this top with these distressed black denim shorts from Forever 21. The fit, loved; the wash, edgy and the price crazy good.  

This foldover clutch by GAIA is my new favorite love; shoes, Joie&nbsp;

This foldover clutch by GAIA is my new favorite love; shoes, Joie 

As a fashion stylist and blogger,  I believe in creating a platform where fashion is accessible, intimidation free and serves a greater good. I find myself being drawn to brands that believe in the bigger picture of fashion for good. This beautiful fold-over clutch is from GAIA. Every GAIA product is handmade by resettled refugee women in Dallas, Texas. The result are beautiful styles and a relentless commitment to employ, encourage and guide these amazing women so that they can prosper and flourish. It's invaluable the moment you realize how powerful a purchase can be.

The coolest part about all of this learning and doing is the sharing. Thank you for allowing me to do that. Keep your seat belt buckled because the goodness gets revved up from here #DOMORE #BETTERHUMAN