"Don't block your exits." - LT All photography by the talented Fiona Montagne
What does busy even mean anymore?! I've said that word so many times that it has completely lost its meaning and mojo. Busy had become this filler word that fed my unproductive behaviors. I had to develop systems that forced me to rescue my sanity and gain REAL productivity. A few months back I logged the number of times I deviated from a project to check FB, IG, get a snack, drink some water, check the fridge, text my sister a random meme, check the fridge again and it was an obscene amount of time wasted. It was cra!!! I noticed losing control over my time lead me to unwanted and non-productive stress. So I've developed a few strategies that have helped me to calm my mind and take back some of my precious time and I hope it can help you do the same. Side note- this is all a practice and some days I slay it and some, not so much. Give yourself the space to know that you are trying.
I write it ALL down
For me writing is important. You're probably saying that's what my notes, apps or whatever system you have developed to track your "to do's" is for. If it works for you, keep it going! If it doesn't give this a try. The act of writing down all the things I have to do helps me to see what needs to be set in the correct category. I have 3: High priority ( this includes my work, project deadlines, bill pay, Maddie cakes, hubby, family and friends); Create- these are upcoming projects that are further out, networking, reading, learning; This and that stuff- these are everyday life things that we have to get done- grocery shop, dry cleaning, clean house, laundry, etc. I then schedule each category item on my phone and paper calendar. It's not about trying to get everything done. It's about clearing your mental space so that you can focus on the meat and potatoes of your day.
Put the phone down
It might be one of the hardest things you have to do but oh my peas and carrots it will blow your mind!!!! What it does. You will find yourself actually listening fully, engaging and one of the biggest gifts, being PRESENT. The act of being present in your life allows you to savor moments in a way that helps us become our best self. Listening to my stepdaughter's 15-minute explanation of what sparks her interest in the show Stranger Things allowed me to also get the peppered information about her standing up to a friend for making a sexist remark. Tomorrow wants you but the "right now" really needs you.
I kicked "finding balance" to da curb
I thought that through sheer persistence that I would reach this space called "balance" where my "to-do's" somehow became perfectly aligned. I've noticed that this is something that doesn't exist for me and that's ok. This process is not about diminishing effort and trying. It's about embracing that today I will work on doing my damn best to take care of what is most important and tomorrow will be another day. Feeling less about your efforts because we are trying to accomplish more for the sake of "balance" strips us from the good work we are putting in. Today is yours. Go *all in* on what you can today and tomorrow will be another day.
denim jacket- Derek Lam dress- Target boots- Tamaris