When it comes to layering, let's be frank with each other ( we're friends), it can be a pain in the derriere region. You know, the attack of the bunched up undershirt or the discomfort of having what feels like 20 layers of clothing on and my favorite, the dreaded button view- where the buttons from your undershirt are imprinted through your sweater...ugh! I'm going to give you the scoop on layering that will have you singing all the nice f-words- fantastic, fabulous, freaking (awesome)!!
Let's get to the meat of layering shall we. You have a sweater and a shirt that you love and all your little cuteness want is to marry the two and be on your merry way (preferably paired with something on the bottom ;)...My bottoms of choice today are my beloved skinnyjeans. With layering, it comes down to the weight of the fabric. The under layer should me lightweight, so that the layer stays neat and for the love of peas and carrots, your comfortable...rightttt!! The sweater, should have a bit of weight to it but not to the point your sweating bullets prior to leaving your casa.
I'm wearing this blush pink ( I'm still drooling over this color) silk blouse from JCrew paired with highwaisted skinnyjeans and layered with a cropped cotton navy sweater. You know all those cropped sweaters that you love but hate that they are cropped, this is a great way to get them in your closet and rock them. They also play very nicely with highwaisted anything, if you dare to try the 9-12 inch rise world ( don't be scared). Back to the layering situation, I find that if my sweater has a bit of structure and shape it allows my layering to look more modern and sleek and not so, how do I put this softly, ummmm dated preppy ( we'll go with that descriptive for now). Layering can create a look that's interesting, chic and classy. I operate under the mode of fuss free style (emphasis on style). This means, I dress myself and my awesome clients to eliminate tugging, yanking and frequent adjusting to maintain said cuteness.
I'm loving the feedback!!! Insert happy high five with a twirl here :) Let me know how these layering tips work for you and share below. I've had a few inquiries on the location of the heart button and it's just below to your right ( I know, it's so tiny and cute). I'm off to dive into a closet and make the pretty happen. I freaking love my job. See you next Thursday for some badass blazer loving in a pretty cool and spectacular space!! MUAH!