Captured by Jessica of Jleephotos in NYC dress: For Love and Lemons
I'm perfectly fine with the unfinished parts of who I am. I'm working on it over here (said in my most pristine NYC accent :) It's 2017. All shiny and new, ready to gift us some teachable experiences. All of which adds up to complete these unfinished parts, in some way or another. Along this journey, I'm working on a few things. Reviving my unicorn spirit ( read blog post here) and nurturing courage. Yep, I want to treat courage like it owes me money. Stalk it relentlessly until it pays up...BIG TIME!
For me courage feeds and fuels freedom. It creates a momentum that allows us to push beyond where we are, towards where we dare to be. I want it to infiltrate all that we do. How and who we love, the way we raise our children, our space in this world, our voice, what we choose to wear, our passions, our purpose. These are filled and fulfilled through courage. Those unfinished parts aren't bad things. We're learning everyday, figuring out how to be better than the day before. Finding the courage to ask for what we seek; listen for the truth and throw flag on the bullshit; love hard because we know how great it can be to have it ( so good); fail knowing that we put our all in and try again; high five our victories and get ready for the next round. These courage filled experiences allows us to fill in the gaps, to write our own sentence.
We are surrounded by plenty of things that try to tell us who and what we should be. Courage is recognizing that undeniable need to JUST be's freedom. We know it the moment we walk away from the asshole who was treating us wrong ( we're ladies, ok), apply for that position that challenges us and show up because we're worthy.
Happy New Year my friends! Cheers to you and your relentless courage.
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Brené Brown